Wednesday, October 4, 2023


No, this is not a continuation of the 1949 Ford blog. (The Blogger program requires a home computer to create a new blog. Because I am sitting at the airport without my laptop, I simply will be adding on to this old car blog.)

This hiking trip to Spain has been years in the making. We put our deposit down before the pandemic and we have deferred it until now. We had the great luxury of being able to pick the trip dates as well as the group that will accompany us. That is thanks largely to the fact that Jack's colleague, Chad, owns the company (Parallel Adventures) that offers this trip. 

Those accompanying us are:

Jorgy and Flicka (see also the "Alaska or Bust" blog);

Laurie and John;

Scooter and Michelle; and

Betsy and Eric.

Of course, our leader, Chad, will be with us every step of the way. He graduated from Bowdoin so we know he is a good guy.

Jo and I are the last to leave the States. (I figured I would need more time than Scooter to recover from the Twin Cities Marathon - which ended up being canceled due to heat). Everyone else is already in Spain or some nearby country enjoying the scenes and culture.

What I suspect will be the most monumental aspect to this trip is the fact that Jo had to pack everything for our two-week trip in one carry-on as opposed to her steamer trunk. Before being picked up this morning, we watched a few YouTube videos from Rick Steves on packing light for Europe. Both Jo and I repacked and admirably, Jo got everything into a carry-on (however it did have a zipper to a expand it)! We are off to a good start.

We diligently followed the rules and arrived at MSP three hours before our flight. We took full advantage of the smorgasbord in Delta's club.

We just got an email from KLM telling us that the infotainment system in our flight to Amsterdam is not functional. We are frantically downloading things onto our tablets. 

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