Thursday, October 12, 2023

Sagrata Familia and 80s Pop

Our first stop was at the Sagrada Familia. Christianity's impact on  architecture (among other things, of course) is truly remarkable. It seems like the greatest architecture in the world is represented by cathedrals and this  cathedral for the Holy Family is a prime example.

Amazing place.  Flooded with colorful light from stained glass. It is fairly new (compared to most European cathedrals). Construction started about 100 years ago.  Supposedly, it will be finished in 2026. 

Back on the but to tour the rest of the city. They don't build hospitals like they used to.

More cathedrals.

The bus' regular stopping points are disrupted today due to protests. One thing we cannot escape here is the friction between the Catalonia region of Spain (where we have spent the whole trip) and the rest of Spain. Catalonia wants its independence, but Spain strongly disagrees. On every block we see Catalonia flags.

Today is "Spain Day" and groups are taking to the streets (and blocking them) to protest Spain's rule over this region. We were stopped at the main square. Here, a pro Spain bus was playing what I presume is the Spanish national anthem.

(As soon as the anthem was over, they switched to the 80s pop classic "Never Going To Give You Up" by Rick Astley.)

We then dined on the beach. Jo and I had a cheese burger and fries.

Scooter found his store.

Also, Michelle also found her store.

We walked for miles. We found another cathedral.

Here is a strange store. It featured this guy.

They sold t-shirts, doormats, figurines, and many other things featuring the same scene. I chose not to research it further.

We walked the baroque part of town. Scooter and I spent much of our time leaning against ancient street walls as Jo and Michelle shopped. However, when Scooter and I stopped for a beverage, this is what the wall looked like.

No spouses waiting for us to finish our German lagers. They were shopping. I guess we do not have equal relationships.

Jo's routine pose on every corner:

A shower and then tapes. (Don't let anyone fool you, despite the exotic sound to the word, tapes is just a small plate of anything such as macaroni and cheese or Doritos sprinkled with some pretty colored flavoring).  We were on the roof of a fancy hotel. Very nice.

We then went to Casa Batllo, designed by the same guy who designed the Sagrata Familia. But, the only thing missing from this bizarre place was Thing 1 and Thing 2.

We then spent the evening on the roof sipping Cava (Spanish champagne) and listening to live music. Sadly, he covered no AC/DC tunes. 

Then, it was bed time to prepare for another busy day of being tourists.

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