Sunday, October 15, 2023

Leaving LaGuardia

On our last night here, we found Fodor's review of our hotel:


It doesn’t get much more romantic than sleeping in an immaculate castle within a dreamy walled village from the middle ages. The food is good, the bar is beautiful, and one of the most idyllic and delicious wine regions in the world is all around you for the taking."

Another massive and fantastic breakfast and we were off to Pamploma, but not before we bid goodbye to Javier, the best hotel proprietor we have ever met.

Here is the main square in Pamploma.

The bull run starts in this square.

We just happened to be here for the abbreviated quarterly running of the bulls. For 25 Euros (and signing a lengthy release in Spanish) I was able to participate. I may be accused of lack of courage, but I stayed on the side as you can see from the photo where I am looking back to see the bulls. They unevently passed me by seeming more interested in goring others.

Finally, Jo found a cornucopia of tourist traps to buy the grandkids gifts.

Then it was off to the seaside town of San Sebastian. 

Once again, we watched people go by from an old town cafe.

Back to hotel to rest before heading out past our normal bed time for dinner.

We headed out for dinner at a  fashionably late (or early if you are a Spaniard) time. The pintxos (tapes) bar was fantastic.

On the way back to our hotel we stopped at much swankier hotel for a nightcap.

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