Saturday, October 14, 2023

Final Day in Barcelona

Off for our final hours in Barcelona. We are batting 1000 with this weather. Never too cool. Never too warm. Not a cloud in the sky. Back on the tourist bus.

Barcelona is a very clean city. Very few homeless folks. However, very congested. 

America's influence on the world is omnipresent. Papa Johns, KFC, McDonald's, Starbucks, and Burger Kings are everywhere. Judging by T-shirts, many locals here went to Harvard or Yale or they live in Boston. Many must own Harley Davidsons. Many T-shirts just have random sayings in English. Most locals are Yankees fans as evidenced by their hats. 

However, nothing detracts from the charm of the city. All of its narrow city streets are adorned by trees. On each side of the streets are small stores and restaurants confined in a space about 12 ft wide. When the businesses are closed, they roll down a metal security shade. They've all been nicely decorated by artistic vandals.

We were off to Park Guell designed by the artist Antoni Gaudi. He is the same guy who designed the Sagrata Familia and the Casa Batllo. Once again, Dr. Seuss would be at home here (some of these are stock photos because the lighting was very poor due to the sun angle and pollution.)

We bid farewell to Scooter and Michelle who are off to the Picasso museum before heading home tomorrow. 

The rest of this blog covers the adventures of Chris and Jo over the next several days.

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