Sunday, October 15, 2023

Day Trip to Vitoria-Gasteiz

(This post is also out of order. If I make any change to a post, it jumps to the top.)

It is October 15th. Again we were treated to an exceptional breakfast.

Then, we were off to a hike around the LaGuardia Lagoon. The owner of the castle hotel brought us two hiking packages full of food (as if we need more food). We were surrounded by grape vines.

We then got into our hail damaged KIA Model POS and drove to Vitoria-Gasteiz. The very old town was in the middle of the very big city. 

We saw yet another beautiful cathedral (one of many in this town).

Jo could not resist the opportunity to look like tourists.

We then sat at an outdoor cafe in the main square which honored the Battle of Vitoria.

While I'm not considered a fashionista, we did admire the clothing worn by the Spaniards. They dress way better than we do. Levis are the style here so I fit right in.

The vast majority wear tennis shoes (which most in the States call "sneakers). The most popular shoes for fashion conscious Spaniards are the good old fashioned Converse All-Stars like the ones I wore in junior high.

Many wear Converse All-Stars on steroids.

If the fashion trend in New York and Los Angeles catches on here, I was the only fashion forward person in my Hokas.

We walked the old town and admired the omnipresent graffiti on every doorway.

We had a very scenic picnic in the back of the POS in an underground garage. Then it was back to our castle.

The beautiful walled town of LaGuardia is closed up Sunday evening. It was fun to walk the empty streets. We return to the hotel restaurant and had an outstanding meal. 

Tomorrow it is off to Pamploma which is famous for the Running of the Bulls.

1 comment:

  1. You're ahead of the fashion with your Hokas. They'll be hot next summer count on it.

    Mom, I see that aperol spritzer. Drink of the summer (and fall apparently) in Europe. They were everywhere in Germany!
